Geoff Pollard was re-elected Tennis Australia president yesterday, seeing off a challenge from ex-Australian Open boss Paul McNamee for the job.So I guess after 20 years of mediocre results, its an endorsement to carry on as usual.Except for Lleyton Hewitt and Pat Rafter Australia has little to show from the Pollard regime.Its intersting to note that both Hewitt and Rafter have called for change.Hewitt's mananger David Drysdale said the 28-year-old's push for change was based on what he believed was best for the sport.
"Lleyton's disappointed with the decision because he felt it was the ideal time for change," Drysdale told AAP.
"He hopes the decision has been made for all the right reasons which is for the betterment of Australian tennis, not due to little deals done with the states (who hold voting rights).
The vote was secret what does that tell you, come on Tennis Australia lets know who voted for who and just how close was the vote in the end.McNamee, who made a brief appearance at the Melbourne hotel where the meeting was being held prior to the result being publicly announced, said he wished Pollard well.
"I do believe that Australia needs to rebuild its status as a great tennis nation and, in order to do this, there are many ongoing issues that must be addressed," McNamee said in a statement.
Really theres administrators sitting on huge salary's making wrong decisions and implementing useless plans and its the players who are striving for some support and direction getting poorer by the day.....trying to fullfill their sporting dream that suffer. Cant wait for the next 20 years...............Not