Critism of Australia's Junior Development by articles in recent Australian Tennis magazine have not gone down well at Head Office."We were notified, out of the blue, that Tennis Australia has withdrawn Australian Tennis from sale at Melbourne Park, citing poor sales," Michelle Michie, the managing director of Nicholson Media Group, told The Sunday Age. Tennis Australia's response was "In regard to the Tennis World (Melbourne Park) outlet, our commercial team made the assessment that they were not making adequate retail sales. It was simply a commercial decision."In the recent issue of Australian Tennis Pat Rafter writes "There is a bunch of respected past champions willing to make a contribution to the development of elite juniors, yet currently at Tennis Australia there is only one view and one way forward," .The debate continues to escalate as the US Open is about to commence, and the Annual General meeting Of TA nears,in another revelation in this
articleThe Age revealed that a damning independent audit of Tennis NSW by leading consultancy firm KPMG has deemed the body in desperate need of overhaul.This article also comment's on Rafters
TA has some nerve trying to dictate the editorial content of a magazine, and then yanking its advertising as punishment for opinions it disagrees with!