After the Ladies singles final I have to say anything can happen in a Final.Today Paris Time Rafael Nadal and Robin Soderling have more than a tennis match to play.

This rivalry goes back to Wimbledon 2007 when Soderling tried to use some of Nadal’s own stalling tactics , even going as far as mimicking the way Nadal pulls his shorts from his backside before service.Below is the encounter you may find interesting.
On losing to Soderling last year Nadal had this to say in reference to the swede “I have said hello to him seven times to his face, and he has never said hello to me. I asked around the locker room; almost nobody had anything nice to say about him.” And then this incident last year , I have embedded the you tube video.
Most thought then that Last year's win by Soderling was due to Nadals injury.I think by results this year it was not ,so today you see both players have a point to prove and that makes the Final a lot more interesting.Tennis players have long memory's and you wont find Nadal and Soderling going for drinks after the match today. Soderling will try to out hit Nadal ,Soderling if he serves like he did against Federer will make life difficult for Rafa.Its going to be important that Nadal serves well he wont get many aces but its vital that he has a chance for control of the rally from the Soderling return.Soderling is not as strong mentally as Nadal and he could "snap" if the pressure from Nadal becomes too great.Nadal will have to move like the old Nadal and keep grooving his forehand and taking Soderling wide on the cross court to the backhand.If its Hot conditions Nadal will be favorite however if its overcast and some rain making the court heavy this will suit Soderling.
For me I am going for Nadal I can be sure that Nadal will give 110% and will not give up till the last point is over.This is more than just a final ,,,its become a rivalry and in tennis we need these.Nadal in four.
Whilst on the subject of altercations have a look at this ....Stefan Koubek has been disqualified from an Austrian league match after grabbing Daniel Koellerer by the throat during a changeover. Koubek said Koellerer, infamous for past incidents of gamesmanship, insulted him during the match. "I'm man enough not to let myself be insulted, esepcially not by him," Koubek was reported as saying by the Austrian Times.
And finally Picture of the day ,prize ceremony of the Ladies Final.

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