Congratulations India! The young guns delivered the knock out blow to New Zealand with team of Sharan and Vardhan edging out a gallant Dan King Turner and Michael Venus in 5 sets.Indian Davis Cup Captain 2nd from the left in the above picture Mr Shiv-Prakash Misery was very happy with his team as you can see.

My tweeting Correspondents Paid's and Bootapaid's have not been heard from and I believe are organizing a petition to have Bhuthpathi and Bopanna reinstated after they have been banned from representing India until 2014 for being naughty spoiled brats.Leander Paes will be considered if injury free.Please Leander tie up you shoe laces.Leander will be 40 next birthday and I am sure he has many years left in him.I was able to keep up with the scores with the help of Mrs Shari-Prihit-wickit who used her mobile and cheap phone call cards to call me in New Zealand. India in the end was too good in all departments with the turning point the wonderful tactic change up where Mr Shiv told his player to hit the ball into the court.New Zealand had no answer and the High Performance team must regroup as they ponder their next match.Maybe they could look to bring in some young guns? Finally on a serious note I read this article with interest as it touches only the surface of what is happening with Tennis in New Zealand.John Roughan of the New Zealand Herald writes concerning the new proposal for affiliation fee's titled Price we Pay for Public Money.
READ HERE. Well Im guessing India will put in some inexperienced players for the dead rubbers but this match is over!
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