I came across an article titled "Who wants to work for British tennis?",it reported the continued loss of key staff members including Carl Maes, head of women's tennis which followed after the removal of head of men's tennis, Paul Hutchins and Gary Stewart who left as head of coach support.Here is the link which you can also read the article.Out of this article I took a valid reference to the use of low compression balls and mini tennis for the 10 and under age groups.Whether its Mini Tennis, Hot shots, or Grasshoppers all of these programs certainly have a place in a development pathway, but lets make sure it does not stifle those juniors who will move to the conventional tennis balls quicker than others.Here in the article it gives an example of an occasion where I could see it could cause a problem for development, the writer tells us of a letter he has received "Which brings us to the most interesting correspondence I've received in a long time, from a couple of small tennis clubs with some talented juniors.
These clubs wanted to play a couple of 10-year olds in the 12-and-under division of the National Junior Club League - kids who are decent players and, according to their coaches, ready for the step up in class.
But the response from head office? The players are too young.
According to LTA guidelines, 10-year-olds are meant to be playing mini-tennis with softer green balls so therefore can't play 12-and-under matches, where regular yellow balls are used."
My opinion is that these balls should be used for entry level players and club junior development programs.Recently Canterbury tried to use the balls in the 10 and under division at their Junior Championships it met with disapproval from parents and players. One has to ask the question when did Andy Murray or Roger Federer switch from soft balls to yellow balls!!! In Murray's case the age was seven!.Open junior tournaments should always advocate the use of conventional tennis balls for the younger age groups.Low compression balls have their place make sure they are kept there!
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