The old saying when the "going gets tough the tough get going" can be seen at junior tennis tournaments world wide,its that fighter ,the one that never gives in,the one that dosnt make excuses,the one that takes the battle full on and gives all whether they win or lose.They leave what they can on the court and accept losses and dissapointing matches as learning curbs to make them stronger for the next outing. They are prepared to acknowledge mistakes and can take opportunity's when they come along ,even if it means sacrificing something else to do it.True champions are a rare breed, we have a lot of pretend champions in the game but sooner or later they are eventually found out.The best advice I can give is be prepared for dissapointment learn from mistakes dont be one of those that say if only! make sure you take the right options you get but one chance give it your best shot!No matter what happens you will be a better person for trying!
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